Human Beings: United by the Atoms, Divided by the Consciousness

Rakesh Kumar
5 min readMay 31, 2023


Have you ever wondered what you're made of? Well, prepare to be amazed! Let's take a closer look at the human body, but don't worry, we won't get too scientific about it. We'll keep it fun and easy to understand.

So, here’s the deal: our bodies are like these crazy puzzles made up of tiny building blocks called atoms. And guess what? We’ve got a whole lot of them—like a mind-boggling number that’s almost impossible to comprehend. We’re talking about trillions upon trillions upon trillions of atoms! If you could count them all, you’d be busy for a lifetime.

Section 1

The Hard Facts of Atomic Composition

Brace yourself for some mind-boggling numbers and intriguing insights!

Fact 1: We are atoms packed. It’s estimated that there are around 7 octillion atoms in a human body. Yep, that’s a 7 followed by a whopping 27 zeros! 7 billion billion billion atoms in a typical 70 kg person. Talk about an atomic party!

Fact 2: Weight Watchers. Approximately 60 elements make up our body. About 99.95% of your body weight can be accounted for by just eleven elements like carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and a few others. So, the next time someone says you’re heavy, you can blame it on those atoms!

Fact 3: Constant Change. Here’s a mind-blowing fact—your atoms are constantly on the move! Some atoms stick around for just a few hours, while others hang out for a few years. But over ten years, the majority of the atoms in your body will have been replaced. It’s like a never-ending atom shuffle party!

Fact 4: In with the New. So, where do all these atoms come from? There are two obvious ways they join your body: the air you breathe and the food and drink you consume. The atoms that become part of you were previously hanging out in the air, plants, animals, and minerals. You’re made up of pieces of the world around you!

Fact 5: Celestial Atoms. Here’s a mind-boggling thought—every atom in your body, except for a few produced by radioactive decay, already existed when the Earth formed around 4.5 billion years ago. Yep, you’re carrying around atoms that have been around longer than any celebrity you can think of!

Section 2

The Journey from Atoms to Life

Now that we’ve covered the hard facts, let’s explore how atoms come together to create life and why non-living things don’t have that special spark.

Step 1: The Building Blocks. Atoms and Molecules: At the core of our physical existence lies the atom. They team up and combine to form molecules. Molecules, along with 70% water and various inorganic molecules, come together to create cells—the smallest functional units of life.

Step 2: Cells, the Magical Units of Life. Cells are the superheroes of the living world. They’re the smallest living components, and every living organism is made up of them.

Step 3: From Cells to You. Cells team up to form tissues, tissues form organs, and organs come together to create organ systems. And voila! You have an individual—yes, that’s you!

But what about non-living things? They lack the magic ingredient called life. They may have atoms and molecules, but they don’t have the cells, the special dance of energy and matter that defines living organisms.

Section 3

Metaphysical Insights and Our Connected Atomic Composition

Now, let’s take a step into the metaphysical realm and explore the profound implications of our atomic composition on a metaphysical level. Get ready for some deep thoughts and a sense of interconnectedness!

Insight 1: The Dance of Atomic Exchange. If we could trace the journey of a single atom, we would find that it has been incorporated into countless other animals and plants throughout history. So, in a way, you are connected to all living beings that have ever existed. You might even have atoms in your body that were once part of the body of your favorite historical celebrity!

Insight 2: We Are More than Our Physical Shells. While our physical composition is undeniably remarkable, there’s something even more extraordinary at play. Beyond the atoms and molecules, there’s consciousness—a mysterious and awe-inspiring phenomenon. Our atomic composition forms the foundation, but it’s our consciousness that gives us a deeper sense of self and connection to the world.

Insight 3: Unity in the Atomic Tapestry. When we consider the interconnectedness of atoms and the shared history they carry, it becomes clear that we humans are intimately connected.

So, as we reflect on the metaphysical implications of our atomic composition, we’re invited to embrace a sense of wonder and interconnectedness. We’re not just isolated beings; we’re part of a grand cosmic dance, united by the atoms that have been circulating since the birth of our planet.

Enters here the consciousness. Our consciousness, shaped by our individual experiences, upbringing, and cultural influences, plays a significant role in how we perceive the world and interact with others. It leads to a sense of separation, where we see ourselves as distinct individuals with differing ideas and identities. While atoms don’t discriminate, our thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives often lead to disagreements and conflicts.

So, let's strive to use our consciousness as a force for unity, understanding, and collaboration. By recognizing that we are more than just atoms and that our thoughts and perceptions can shape our reality, we can work towards building a world where our interconnectedness as human beings outweighs the divisions that arise from our consciousness.

